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IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer K Scheme

IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer PDF
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 IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer K Scheme

This blog post shared IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer for MSBTE K Scheme students.

IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer PDF

The practicals of this manual are listed below. Computer engineering students must solve them to better understand the Internet of Things.

IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual Answer K Scheme PDF

  1. Install any one embedded system(ex- Arduino IDE)and execute program to turn LED ON/OFF using delay.
  2. Change the color of the LED.
  3. Control the brightness of LED using PWM Techniques.
  4. Detect the presence or absence of Light using LDR Sensor.
  5. Measure the temperature of the object.
  6. Sense the touch of finger when it is placed on Board.
  7. Detect the obstacle using IR sensor.
  8. Measure the Distance between sensor and object using ultrasonic sensor.
  9. Detect the presence of Gas.
  10. Detect the vibration of an object using vibration detector sensor SW-420 with Arduino.
  11. Change the status of Buzzer ON/OFF.
  12. Display Humidity and Temperature on LCD using DHT11 sensor.
  13. Display the message as per detection of motion of object.
  14. Control relay state based on input from IR Sensor.
  15. Switch the LED ON/OFF on detection of obstacles using PIR sensor.
  16. Measure the Distance between sensor and object and ring the buzzer when obstacle is detected in some specified range of distance.
  17. Activate the alarm system if smoke detected.
  18. Display percentage of moisture in soil using soil moisture sensor.
  19. Upon detection of fire, activate the LED indicator and initiate the alarm system.
  20. Display temperature value on serial monitor.
  21. Activate the Melody audio output utilizing a Piezoelectric speaker.
  22. Control action using Relay based on temperature value.
  23. Display 0 to 9 numbers continuously on seven segment display.
  24. Display simple message on I2C LCD.
  25. Display POT value of potentiometer on LCD.
  26. Transfer sensor collected data to smartphone using Bluetooth.
  27. Display the message on serial monitor when image is captured.
  28. Create Web based IoT application using Node MCU/ESP32/Raspberry Pi to display Temperature on Web Browser.
  29. Setup Raspberry Pi as an Single board computer b with following accessories: a display a cable to connect Raspberry Pi to display a keyboard a mouse SD card.
  30. Install Maria DB database in Raspberry Pi and execute basic SQL queries.


In this blog post, we shared the full list of practicals from the IoT 314006 Internet of Things Manual and also provided solutions for each practical.

Hi everyone, I'm Suraj Diware, and I'm passionate about helping students succeed in MSBTE programs. This blog is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of MSBTE curriculum topics, along with practical tips and resources to sup…

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