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MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual Answer

MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual Answer
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 MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual Answer K Scheme

In this blog post, we shared the full list of MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual practicals with Answers.

MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual Answer

Microprocessor programming subject is fundamental for computer engineering diploma students.

All practicals of this manual are listed below.

MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual Answer PDF

  1. Identification of various blocks in 8086 microprocessor architecture.
  2. Use assembly language programming (ALP) tools and directives.
  3. ALP to perform addition and subtraction of two given numbers.
  4. ALP for multiplication of two signed and unsigned numbers.
  5. ALP to perform division of two unsigned and signed numbers.
  6. ALP to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two BCD numbers.
  7. ALP to perform block transfer operation.
  8. ALP to find sum ofseries.
  9. ALP to find the smallest and largest number from an array of numbers.
  10. ALP to arrange numbers in an array in ascending or descending order.
  11. ALP to find the length of the string and concatenate two strings.
  12. ALP for string operations such as string reverse and string copy.
  13. ALP to compare two strings.
  14. ALP to check whether a given number is odd or even.
  15. ALP to check whether a given number is positive or negative.
  16. ALP to count several' ‘0' and '1's in a given number.
  17. ALP to perform arithmetic operations on given numbers using the procedure.
  18. ALP to perform arithmetic operations on given numbers using macro.


This blog post provided a detailed list of MIC 314321 Microprocessor Programming Manual practicals with their solutions.
Hi everyone, I'm Suraj Diware, and I'm passionate about helping students succeed in MSBTE programs. This blog is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of MSBTE curriculum topics, along with practical tips and resources to sup…

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