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314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer K Scheme

314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer K Scheme
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 314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer K Scheme

Hey students, welcome to our website. This blog post is about the 314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer for MSBTE K Scheme.

314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer K Scheme

MSBTE electronics and telecommunication branch students must know about consumer electronics subjects.

This manual helps students understand basic concepts of consumer electronics by solving practicals based on a new teaching scheme.

314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual Answer PDF

All practicals of this manual are listed below:
  1. Performance of given type of microphone.
  2. Performance of given Speaker.
  3. Performance of given Hi-Fi amplifier.
  4. Fault identification in Hi-Fi amplifier.
  5. Test the CCTV unit.
  6. Connection of CCTV cameras to DVR/IVR.
  7. Voltage analysis of power supply section, audio section, and video section of LCD TV.
  8. Fault analysis of LCD TV.
  9. Voltage analysis of given sections of LED TV.
  10. Fault analysis of LED TV.
  11. Dismantling and assembling a paper feed mechanism in a photocopier machine.
  12. Identification of front panel controls of microwave oven.
  13. Fault analysis in microwave oven.
  14. Performance of washing machine.
  15. Sketch the wiring diagram of washing machine.
  16. Fault analysis of washing machine.
  17. Use of various functions of Camcorder.
  18. Interfacing of Scanner.
  19. Performance of given wearable antenna.
  20. Display faults in smart wrist band.
  21. Data backup from wearable device.
  22. Connection problems in VR headset.
  23. Performance of VR headset.
  24. Interfacing of Laser printer.
  25. Fault analysis of cartridge related problems of Laser printer.
  26. Performance of Laser Printer.
  27. Interfacing of LED Projector.
  28. Creating new interactive white board pages.
  29. Assess the quality of video conferencing session.
  30. Determination of capacity and speed of a shredding machine.


All practicals of 314327 CEL Consumer Electronic Systems Manual are listed above.

Hi everyone, I'm Suraj Diware, and I'm passionate about helping students succeed in MSBTE programs. This blog is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of MSBTE curriculum topics, along with practical tips and resources to sup…

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