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Data Structure Using C (313301) Practical No.23: Write a 'C' Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using an Array

Data Structure Using C (313301) Practical No.23: Write a 'C' Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using an Array
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 Data Structure Using C (313301) Practical No.23: Write a 'C' Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using an Array

Circular queues offer significant advantages over linear queues, particularly in terms of space efficiency, fixed-size implementation, efficient operations, and suitability for real-time systems. They are widely used in various applications where predictable and efficient data handling is crucial.

Data Structure Using C (313301)

C Program Code


Flow Chart

Use the below data and draw a flowchart


1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Display
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to enqueue: 22
22 enqueued to the queue

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Display
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Dequeued element is 0

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Display
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Queue is empty

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Display
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 

Practical Related Questions

1. Write a C program to implement a Circular queue using Array with operations for enqueue (15), enqueue (48), enqueue (69), dequeue, enqueue (12), enqueue (23), dequeue, dequeue.


2. Write a C program to implement a Queue overflow and underflow operations on Circular
Queue using Array.



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