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MSBTE Civil Engineering 6th Semester Diploma Micro Project Topics.

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 MSBTE Civil Engineering 6th Semester Diploma Micro Project Topics

MSBTE Civil Engineering 6th Semester Diploma Micro Project Topics
MSBTE Civil Engineering 6th Semester Diploma Micro Project Topics

1. Management (22509) Micro Project Topics

a) Compare the tender documents of three different organizations 
b) Refer to different websites related to E-tendering and prepare a report on it. 
c) Draft detailed specifications for different items of work other than PWD. 
d) Prepare the report on online bids/auctions through the internet. 
e) Prepare valuation report of any residential. 
f) Collect relevant information about the software used in the preparation of tender
documents and write a report on it. g) Visit to the ongoing project and study various aspects related to contracts and tender
h) Visit the ongoing project and study various aspects related to the accounting process (MB,
RA bill, various advances).

2.Maintainance and Repairs of Structures (22602) Micro Project Topics

a) Collect the information on various materials used in actual practice for repairs of
b) Collect the details of various types of agencies working for repairs and
maintenance of structures in actual practice. 
c) Collect the details of new techniques used for repair. 
d) Compare damages caused by various natural hazards. 
e) Prepare a budget with respect to material, task force, equipment, and methodology
for the historical structure in your vicinity. 
f) Prepare a collection of photographs showing various types of cracks in damaged
g) Carry out a market survey for at least five materials used for repairs with respect to specification, supplier, packaging, and costing. 
h) Cast three RCC beams and three plain concrete beams and find the various types of
cracks by applying one-point load, two-point loads, etc., and find the flexural strength.
i) Repair the above beams and find out the strength regained by the beams. 
j) Suggest the repair material and methods for the above beam as per the type of crack
k) Micro projects relevant to topics as per the guidance subject teacher.

3.Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering Micro Project Topics

a.  Prepare the chart showing software and its applications. 
b. Prepare a model of anyone construction material or machinery used in recent days.
c. Prepare a report on advanced machinery and materials. 
d. Elaborate on the process of mass housing, pre-engineered buildings, etc. 
e. Make posters showing site safety and its awareness. 
f. Prepare the charts showing different types of safety rules and regulations of the site.

4.Solid Waste Management (22605) Micro Project Topics

a) Carry out a comparative study of vehicles used for the collection of solid wastes from
various sources. 
b) Collect the relevant technical and commercial information of tools, equipment,
vehicles, and machineries used for collection, segregation, transportation, processing, and disposal of solid waste with specifications 
c) Preparation of report about route used for collection and transportation of solid waste
of the city and optimization of it. 
d) Preparation of report regarding solid waste management practices adopted on the
campus of the institute 
e) Writing a report on case studies for solid waste management practices of specific cities of the country. 
f) Writing a detailed report on legal aspects of Municipal Solid Waste Management  Rules, 2016
g) Writing a detailed report on legal aspects about Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016 
h) Writing a detailed report on legal aspects about E- Waste Management Rules, 2016 
i) Writing a detailed report on legal aspects about Construction and demolition Waste
Management Rules, 2016 
j) Writing a detailed report on legal aspects about Hazardous and other wastes 
k) Management Rules, 2016  Writing a detailed report on legal aspects about Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 
l) Develop a specific model regarding solid waste management practices. 
m) Preparation of models concerned with solid waste management practices like
incineration, pyrolysis etc. 
n) Preparation of charts, PPT presentation concerned with solid waste management
o) Creation of awareness about good habits of scientific; better solid waste management
p) Any other suitable topic for various solid waste management practices in the area,
town, city or country as a whole.

5.Construction Management (22061)  Micro Project Topics

a) Use any software of Construction Management to prepare the scheduling of a project. 
b) Use any software of Construction Management to determine the ctitical path for the
given construction project. 
c) Interpret the network figures used in given civil engineering projects. 
d) Prepare a report on different forms of inventory storage along with your interpretation 
e) Collect the information about latest safety measures adopted at construction project 
f) Compare various construction management software. 
g) Use a relevant software to collect information about modern techniques of material
management like JIT/SAP/ERP.

6.Enterprenurship Development (22032)  Micro Project Topics

a. Choose any advertisement and analyse its good and bad points. 
b. Decide any product and analyse its good and bad features. 
C. Select any product and prepare its cost sheet. 
d. Choose any product and study its supply chain. 
e. Arrange brainstorming sessions for improvement of any product. 
f Study schemes for entrepreneurship promotion of any bank. 
g. Visit industrial exhibitions, trade fairs and observe nitty-gritty of business. 
h. Open a savings account and build your own capital. 
i. Organise industrial visit and suggest modifications for process improvement.

Hi everyone, I'm Suraj Diware, and I'm passionate about helping students succeed in MSBTE programs. This blog is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of MSBTE curriculum topics, along with practical tips and resources to sup…

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